
Eishockeyturniere für Amateure organisieren wir in Prag schon seit mehr als 20 Jahren. Wir sind froh über jede Referenz und Erfahrung, die Sie aus unseren Turnieren haben.

Brucker Gaudinoggal (Germany)

„Das Pragues Barrel Turnier ist einfach super. Wir waren jetzt schon zum dritten Mal dort und jedesmal ist es aufs Neue eine wunderbare Erfahrung und es bleibt immer unvergesslich. Und wir werden auch in Zukunft immer wieder gerne kommen.
Das Betreuer-Team ist super engagiert, sehr nett und zuvorkommend. Alles ist einfach top organisiert. Von kleinen Verpflegungen im Stadion (Obst, Wasser, Bier) bis hin zum Bustransfer vom Hotel zum Stadion und zurück – Einfach alles top.
Das Hotel Ambassador, in dem wir jetzt immer untergebracht waren, ist an dieser Stelle auch sehr zu empfehlen (Zentraler geht es kaum)
Kurzum: Ein „Rundumsorglos-Paket“ für jeden Hobby-Eishockeyspieler mit ordentlich „Bierdurst“.“

West Coast Jaguars (Finland)

„Third time in tournament and again full 10 to the Prague Barrel organisation. We had a really Great time in Prague. Staff very professional. See you 2025. Big thanks to organisation and other Teams.“

Français Volants (France/US/Canada)

„What a lovely weekend, our team had an unforgettable experience. We have already tentatively agreed that we will be back next year to improve from the silver medal !
I can’t emphasize enough how wonderfully organized the tournament was, from airport landing to departure. Your entire staff was superb, and I would like to extend a special appreciation for Amalie, our team host. She really went above and beyond to make the Français Volants feel truly welcomed in Prague. A pleasure to communicate with in both English and French, the team conversations were elevated with her contribution. Over the course of 3 days, Amalie became more of a sister to us than an assigned employee.
All of the meals and venues were lovely, the hotel ideally located, the bus transfers superb, the rink in perfect conditions to host a tournament (including the snacks and waters), the international teams a pleasure to meet, and of course the beer… top!“

Bishop’s Falls Olde Express (Canada)

„I wanted to reach out to you to pass on the Bishop’s Falls Olde Express team’s gratitude for having us participate in your tournament.
You and your team did an amazing job of running the tournament and paying attention to the details from the largest to the smallest with real professionalism. A job very well done.
I speak on behalf of all of us with our heartfelt thanks to Lucie Matouskova for her dedication to our team. She went above and beyond to provide us with an amazing experience while in Prague.
Lucy ( as well ) is the name we put on the other Lucy who spent so much of her time with us and helped us in every way possible. She was great to us and was a pleasure to be around.
Our time spent with you all will be cherished for a lifetime.

Thank You for everything Sophie,
I hope that we can get back to play in your tournament again before too long.“

AC Beduins hockey (Finland)

„Thank you again….All 26 of us are still amazed at how perfectly you made everything work. Organizations, events, hotel and especially the hostesses (Anette and Sofiia). They were super girls. I hope that next time we have possibility to get same hostesses. I wilI really give very good feedback about Prague’s Barrel Tournament to other Finnish teams.“

HC 34 Košice (Slovakia)

„We have been to more different tournaments during latest 10 years, each time we are going to different place, and to be honest I have to say and I have agreed with boys, that this one was the best. Everything about organisation, beer, food etc. was great, the ice arena is nice. The only thing was, that we can’t leave the things over night in the locker room, we had to put them in the dryer room, but that was minor thing. We have been also to the biggest amateur tournament in Europe and still yours is better. Surprise was our own Barrel tram going to the final ceremony, that was great.“

Telford Spartans (UK)

„Just wanted to say what a great time we all had with you guys. That much so we are coming back next year together with the Dutch team of course!“

RigaCup (Latvia)

„Thank you very much 😘😊 We are happy to be a champions this year! We did it in 9 years😁💪🏒 We love Prague! We are coming every year, because its our friends time! 1 thing- is get a fun with RC friends and second is hockey.“

Wolfhunters (Netherlands)

„Thanks for taking care of us and having us! We all still walk around with a huge smile on our face! Our hostess Vanessa was great, she was a gem to us!“

Draci Dolní Kubín (Slovakia)

„We are going to different ice hockey tournaments for over 20 years, but this one was amazing, organisation was great and all the fun we had. Thank you!“

Nitro Karpat Oldtimers (Finland)

„Thank you, simply everything was really well organized and professional. One of our favourite tournament absolutely.“

Lunch Hockey Team (Finland)

„We had an enjoyable tournament with no major complaints. Thank you for the whole team and especially to Fabiana. We enjoyed.“

Ela Eagles (Switzerland)

„With the tournament we were thrilled, even if we did not convince from a sporting point of view. It definitely made fun for us. The organization was great. What a pity, is that we hardly had time for sightseeing but so we have to come to the tournament again.“

Kringelstan Oldtimerhockey (Sweden)

„I Want to thank and all of your guys that make our trip to sucess! I have run this team för 16 years and this was absolutey the best tournament we ever been to! Your sevice was magnifiqe and we really enjoy all our time in Prag! Send a special hug too Markèta, she was really great and took care of us, the whole trip!“

Les Callipyges (Canada)

„Bonjour Barbara, Félicitations pour l’organisation. Le tournoi fut incroyable. Nous avons adoré. Markéta a été aussi super pour nous. Elle mérite des félicitations. Tu peux lui passer le message même si on lui a déjà dit.“

Måndagsklubben Hockey (Sweden)

„We were very impressed with the organisation and there is not much to say. We had a fantastic time! If we had too look for anything it might be that we probably could play one more game, but 4 games is still very good and my guess is that it’s hard for you to fit that into a schedule with 12 teams.“

Pasila Panthers (Finland)

„Thank you very much. We had a great time and we thought the tournament was very well organized. Also Klara was a great host for us.“

HC Hemohes (Finland)

„Once again, thank you for a great weekend, we truly enjoyed ourselves.“

Pälkäneen lukko (Finland)

„Thank you Barbara. Tournament was super! Everything worked well and we had very fun! Pragues barrel was best tournament which we have been involved. Please say big thanks for whole organisation.“

Tuppura (Finland):

„Thank you for everything! It was great week and great atmosphere! And you will see us next year again!“

Sarpsborg Icehawks (Norway):

„Takk så mye! Vi hadde det helt fantastisk. Send meg påmelding til neste års turnering så snart den er klar. Vi kommer igjen!“

Les Gaulois (Canada):

„Je t’écris pour t’aviser qu’on est bien rendus à la maison… c’est un très long voyage et on est mort de fatigue! Nous avons adoré notre séjour à Prague et merci à toi pour ta présence, tu as été une super guide! Laisse-nous savoir si tu viens dans le coin!“

United Skates team (USA/Poland/Sweden):

„On behalf of everyone on United Skates, I want to say a big Dêkuju to you on a wonderful weekend in Prague. Your tournament and organization was first class and our hostesses, Romi and Anna, were awesome! We obviously aren’t a club team that plays together, but as you said, it was all about having fun and we sure did that!“

Grey Marmots Victoria team (Canada):

„Hello Martina – I hope this finds you and the entire Barrel Tourney crew well. I am a member of the Canadian team from the 2016-2017 tourney. First and foremost our ‘thanks and congrats’ for your overall organization and the entire ‘package’ of the tourney. To a person, we are all of the opinion we have NEVER enjoyed a better tournament and do not think we will ever do so again (unless we return). Pleae pass on my remarks to all.“

  Djurgårdspolarna team (Sweden)

I just want to say a big THANK YOU for a great tournament and a great time in Prague! We all had sooo much fun and we will for sure come back next year. I don’t know about you but I slept over 10 hours when we got home. Åsa Widgren, Projektkoordinator

Andrea Valla, journalist
